We keep you up to date.

Small things. These matter.
Keep reading. We supply the material.
Empty medicine cabinet? We fill'er up.

Those important small things.

It's the details that count — be­sides the fine­st fab­rics for a smart and trim ap­pear­ance, and acc­ess­or­ies like un­der­wear, boxer shorts, ties, buck­le belts and socks, our shop offers many other mar­vels of con­veni­ence in the take­away de­part­ment. You're al­ways wel­come to look around and dis­cover for your­self!

Coffee, Made in Thailand.

We can very warmly re­com­mend our Sala Daeng coffee, local­ly pro­duc­ed and care­fully roast­ed, as whole beans or ground, for your next es­pres­so or in­vi­go­ra­ting mor­ning cof­fee. Or talk to us about our prime se­lec­tion of teas and other fine, local pro­ducts!

Newspapers & books.

We carry a broad and vari­ed range of news­pa­pers, maga­zines and books — pri­ma­ri­ly, but not ex­clusive­ly, in Ger­man lang­uage. But, as we are (after all) mas­ters at tailor­ing things to your needs: talk to us, we can or­der your pre­fer­red news source in your own lang­uage as well, at your con­venience!

For those small emergencies.

When your health de­cides to take a de­tour or you've excer­ci­sed your muscles a bit be­yond what they stood for, there are help­ers in our small travel phar­macy sec­tion, in the form of time-pro­ven hou­se­hold re­me­dies on our shelves. They let you quickly for­get head­aches, sun­burns and other in­con­veni­enc­es — after all, your health and well-being is our con­cern!

Lots of small ideas — browse around!

Bit ideas some­times come in ama­zing­ly small sizes! A mini­scule but in­dis­pens­able statio­nary stand in one cor­ner, use­ful tra­vel po­wer adap­ters and tra­vel/blue­tooth spea­kers and MP3 play­ers in an­other, plus lots and lots of other, prac­ti­cal eye open­ers — ex­clu­sive­ly for you!
...and everything from a single source.